A Random Pattern

Archive for October, 2007

Ninja Parade

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

Don’t miss not seeing this awesome sight – a Ninja Parade!

On a related note, I considered being a Ninja for Halloween this year.  Don’t know if I’ll be able to find adequate supplies of throwing stars and katanas, but piano wire should work in a pinch.  Then again, the opposite extreme calls to me as well…

5 Hours to Leopard’s Release!

Friday, October 26th, 2007

Leopard, the new operating system from Apple, goes on sale at 6 pm today.

If you’re still using Windows at home, and you want to do typical home-user things (photos, movies, music, web-surfing, email), Mac OS X is the best game in town right now.  Windows XP and Vista just don’t compare to the truly best-of-class consumer apps that Apple is providing lately.  Even better, Leopard now lets you run Windows side-by-side in case there are a few things you absolutely need on Windows.

From my point of view the absolute best feature for the average household?  The safety and security features.  You simply don’t have to worry about viruses and malware like you do with a Windows machine.  There’s the added advantage of not supporting the unethical Microsoft corporation, which has enjoyed (and abused) a monopoly for some time now.  Luckily it looks like those days are drawing to a close, as the market is already responding to the last several years of Apple innovation.

One more day

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

We’ve got one more day at the hospital, so Aria can stay under the “bily-lights”.  She’s a little jaundiced, so better safe than sorry.

Because of that, I’m going to relieve Grandma of kid-sitting.  She’s probably ready to take back her statement that she wouldn’t mind more kids.  ;)

{insert witty title here}

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

Ok, I’ll admit it: I’m too tired to think of a clever title. This post is about pictures and sleep – and some of the family meeting the baby.
Contrary to the pictures below, though, we are doing more than sleeping around here. At least that’s the story I’m sticking to. :D Head over to the gallery for a full selection of pictures from the last two days.
2007-10-16_Aria-Raine_Birth 0132007-10-16_Aria-Raine_Birth 015

Aria Raine, welcome to the family

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Aria Raine made her big debut at 5:32 a.m. She weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz (just over half a stone, or 3.5 kilograms), and was 19 3/4 inches long (that’s 50 centimeters for you metric types ;) ).

So far she likes to sleep, with a little singing and eating now and then. I should note that Mommy also is a fan of sleeping right now.

Thanks for all of you who are thinking about and praying for us.  Check my gallery for some quick pics.

If you’re a reader from the technical side – well, check back soon and I’ll have something interesting up. Maybe about a new site launch, even….

There’s a (baby) comin’

Monday, October 15th, 2007

No, no storms’ brewing, but there is a baby coming.

Unlike most blogs, this probably means my lucky readers will get more updates.  I’ve got lots of topics and posts lined up, so check back soon – that is, after we recover from the delivery.

Oh, and if you’re desparate to know the name – it’ll be posted up here tomorrow, presuming the little miss arrives by then.  We sure hope it doesn’t take longer than that!

live-blogging from the hospital.  How far this world has come….how far it still has to go.  :)