Rubric Theme – changes and more changes
List of what’s fixed, what needs to be fixed, and other changes to my blog:
- Sidebar now displays (mostly) as intended, with each section / widget displaying in it’s own floating white box.
- Sidebar shows up on single (post) pages.
- Unfortunately, I think that’s it.
But I *felt* productive!
Need to be fixed or added (please add to this list in the comments!):
- Make sure Sidebar doesn’t extend past/over footer.
- Next / previous hyperlinks on individual pages too close to header title.
- Better integrated “pages” functionality (in header?).
- rotating header capability.
- more code cleanup, such as pulling out the sidenote javascript and extra images from the package.
- Figure out how/if to have a different Sidebar (shorter, simpler?) for single post pages.
Other changes:
- I created a cool widget, see it at the bottom of my sidebar. It has links to subscribe to my blog, and to explain what “subscribe to my blog” even means.
It’s also got a way to get my new posts in your email, automagically! Yay for magic internet stuff! (This was partially motivated by a reminder of a post from Robert Scoble, whose posts I keep running into lately.)
- In order to make the cool stuff above happen, I cleaned up my feeds and autodirecting for my feeds. If you subscribed to this blog before tonight – No Worries! It will automagically forward you to the feed I want you to use (grin) so I can count how many people are (not) reading my blog. This means you don’t have to do anything! But I’m still excited about it…
I think that’s it, at least that’s all I can remember. If the blog doesn’t look or work much differently as far as you notice, that should mean I’m doing a good job. And if something’s broken, please tell me. I’ll fix it if I can.