I just migrate from Blogspot to my own domain, and what happens? Google finally introduces new features for Blogspot, that’s what! It’s not fair, I tell’ya!
Now, to be honest, the feature bump certainly wouldn’t have been enough to keep me there. I really like all the power and flexibility of having my own domain and (shared) server. Still, it does sting a little. And if you’re not into paying a bunch of money to have your own domain hosted somewhere, well, Blogspot (or better yet, WordPress.com) gives you an awful lot of value for FREE. And competition is always good.
Key features:
-For geeks, comment feeds.
-New templates, (presumably nicer ones).
-More control over where and what is on your page.
-Dynamic content, which means easier and faster publishing.
-An improved dashboard, or control panel, when you log in.
I still have to recommend WordPress.com over Google, though the Picasa integration with Blogspot makes that more tempting if you’re using the free Picasa tool to manage your photos. Picasa I can definitely recommend, though I haven’t yet tried it on Ubuntu. 
More to follow on this, after I go experiment on my old blogspot account. Cheers!
Update: One more link, if you’re currently on Blogger and want to migrate it to your Google account login.
Update 2: Two big features I missed, Labels and Private. You can now “tag” articles with different categories, so when your mom visits she can look at posts that have Pictures or Personal tags, and ignore the Ubuntu articles. ;) The Private feature lets you have a blog that only people you invite can see. Perfect for a tight-knit family or group of friends.