A Random Pattern

Archive for October 23rd, 2005

Miers Nomination

Sunday, October 23rd, 2005

For the record:

I support the Miers nomination. It’s simple, really. Not to mention that it doesn’t much matter. Not to mention that not only I, but 95% of the people posting their opinions on the web are drastically under-qualified to even comment on Mier’s qualification or lack thereof.

Yes, it is simple. Bush nominated her. Dr. Dobson supports her. And there are plenty of smart, even qualified, people on both sides of this issue. Who’s really surprised, anyways? We all knew this nominee was going to be a huge battle, well before anyone knew who it was. I don’t really care about all the politics, and insulted people, and everyone who wants their opinion counted so they can be a power player. I want the kind of person Bush has promised he’d put on the court – and with every nominee previous to this, he’s apparently lived up to that. Even those sounding off now aren’t arguing that. So why the sudden fear that he’s changed tack or lost heart at the last moment, the most critical decision (possibly) of his presidency? Does that really make sense with what you know of our president?

Nope – that doesn’t fit at all. Too many of you have the weak stomachs you’re accusing the president of – that’s my opinion.

I will add that it’s not without some trepidation that I support her – but were she to have the necessary things in place to remove my trepidation, there’d be almost no way she’d get confirmed. ;) At least no one seems to be understating the importance of this nomination…

Blogger Help : Promoting Your Blog

Sunday, October 23rd, 2005

Blogger Help : Promoting Your Blog: “Be an active commenter. Try to leave comments on the blogs you read every day. This is in the same vein as linking. Leaving a comment on someone’s post can make their day. Nothing beats getting those email notifications that whisper tacitly out at you from the screen, ‘You’re thoughts have struck me dead in my tracks. I simply must acknowledge you and your greatness.’ (Or something to that effect.) Most comment systems also provide a way for you to leave a link back to your blog which begs a visit at the very least. So if you feel inspired, leave a comment or two in your blog travels. It behooves you.

Pitch your posts via email to other bloggers. This is a touchy technique and should be approached with caution. Blogger Eugene Volokh has published a short treatise on how best to pitch one’s blog via email and it’s filled with great tips and advice. Assuming your blog is actually worth pitching (of course it is), here are some tips from Volokh.

1. Pitch the post, not the blog.
2. Include the full text and your URL.
3. Submit only your best posts.
4. Don’t only pitch to high traffic blogs.”

Since I mentioned this is something I’m going to start working on, I thought I’d share this helpful advice for increasing traffic to a blog.